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The present generation is always referred to as Achronim. You don’t call yourself Gedolim after Achronim. The Amoraim referred to themselves as Achronim, in regards to Tanaim and in regards to the early Amoraim. They also called their Rabbanim Amoraim. The next generation had Geonim. These names stuck as time moved ahead.

The Me’iri refers to a period of Rabanim after the Geonim. Since we named the Rishonim as such we won’t be handing over that title to the next generation. Neither is it our job to refer to ourselves with a title. You don’t write your own history.

We can speculate what future generations will do. Hopefully they’ll call us the Yotzei Galus. We might be dubbed, the Melaktim, the Hotheads, Bloggers, Misgodedim. Or, more seriously, as I said earlier, what we call the Achronim will be called Poskim. Maybe they’ll take on the Me’iri’s titles and call Rishonim, Rabbanim, which is not a time-bound name, just like Tanaim, Amoraim and Geonim.

And if the previous generation is the Poskim period we are the Morei Hara’a. Our Rabbonim are Machria more than they are Mechadesh. They are more commonly calles Morei Hara’a, and that’s a title that can stick.

The next question is, what will the Rabbonim of the next period be called? What will they be capable of? Maybe they’ll be Sofrim, since the expertise will be to be able to find a Halacha in a Sefer. (We are beginning to see this as an accomplishment.) It’s a good thing we are in Moshiach Tzaitten and it won’t come to this. Aderaba, our accomplishments will pale in comparison with that of our offspring. I hope we won’t be easy-to-point-out old-time Galus Yidden always trying to adapt to the new reality.