Reply To: Was William Shakespeare an Anti-Semite?

Home Forums Seforim, Books, & Reading Was William Shakespeare an Anti-Semite? Reply To: Was William Shakespeare an Anti-Semite?


Hi Sam2,

Regarding Columbus. I read some amazing things from the Z’man about Columbus possibly being Jewish. He even penned letters with x’s in the upper right hand corner of the paper where a bais, samech, daled would be.

I wish I remembered more from the article.

Also, with regards to Castro; his mother had a maiden name that was known only among the marrano community. Also, there are some records of Fidel secretly giving money and appearing at a few Jewish events, counter to his public stance on religion.

If you care to comment, I would be interested in your thoughts/information.

And what are your thoughts on Achmaddogdinajad being from Jews who converted out?