Reply To: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant

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JayMatt has a good point. When bad things happen to non-Jews after they approve toeivah marriage, then it’s possible that they’re being punished for that. But to the extent that a tragedy effects Jews, we need to do teshuvah and figure out, on an individual and communal level, what we need to rectify! That’s the way it has always been. When something bad happens to Jews, we do teshuvah! (Maybe even when bad things happen to others. When the Chofetz Chaim heard about an earthquake in Asia, he responded that we need to do teshuvah.)

So when something bad happens to us and we blame non-Jews, that’s not the right response. The Gemara says that even if someone puts their hand in their pocket and takes out the wrong coin, that is a tribulation that was caused by the person’s transgression. Surely if someone was harmed by a natural disaster, the same is true.

Yoelite: It’s not that we shouldn’t care — what I’m saying is that another frum Jew’s individual political opinion is just not that important in the scheme of things. I was reacting to people saying they were breaking off friendships with fellow frum Jews because they approved of toeivah marriage, and suffering anguish thinking about how awful it is that there are some frum Jews who don’t oppose it. We should be happy they are frum.

So people have contradictory political opinions — OK, everyone has their own issues and challenges. Hashem made us all different, and He does everything for the good. If someone is talking during davening or speaking lashon hara or getting angry all the time I would be a lot more worried about that (that is, actual mitzvos and middos) than about their political opinion on toeivah marriage, Israel or anything else.