Reply To: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant

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Is that statement by Rav Yehuda Hachasid brought down l’halacha?

Why do you ask? In any case, I provided a source in halacha.

Does he mean a public macha or does he mean speaking to someone in private in a way in which he will listen like we understand “hochaich tochiach?

Yona’s entreatment was large scale. But the words in the statement indicate instruction for individuals too.

Is he speaking about what one should do in golus or what one should do in Eretz Yisrael when it is under Jewish control

Yona’s story occured outside of Eretz Yisrael.

Most importantly, I have the same kasha on Rav Yehuda Hachasid as I had whomever

originally made the argument from Yonah.

Good luck with that.

Why do we only find this by Yonah? The non-Jewish world has been violating the 7 mitzvos as long as the mitzvos have been around and we don’t find any common practice of protesting these actions.

Really, I don’t appreciate the question’s approach, since as you may have recently read, you shouldn’t base your opinion solely on what you read into a perceived silence- in this case of protests, when enjoined otherwise. But I’ll offer an answer: The current circumstances, as far as ability to influence without backlash is concerned, are different from whatever they historically were. Though to the extent you disagree with, I don’t know.

As for our brethren not raised with Torah and Mitzvos, the best way to influence them is by example and outreach, not by shouting at the goyim.

As for those who have not yet been reached, different routes are surely not a contradiction to that one.