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JM -“@Hakatan

1. That gemarra is the one that Health was referring to when he said “It isn’t so pashut”

So that has already been answered.”

First of all, there is no Machlokes in the Gemorah in BK -so obviously Chazal held the Maskana is “Kivan SheNitan”.

Second of all, if you are going to learn like the Malbim that R’ Yonasun holds of “Mavchin” then you have to hold of what the Malbim says before. On page 200 (#49), the Malbim says in this paragraph about the Machlokes R’ Yonasun & R’ Yoshea at the end -“And it’s explained -that this miracle will only occur now during the destruction of Egypt, not after this time.”

So even acc. to R’ Yonasun this was a one time deal and forever on we just apply the rule of “Kivan SheNitan”. This is Pashut Pshat in the Malbim.

The Pashtus of all the Gemorahs and Midrashim, esp. because they brought two Pisukim from Nach, is that this Din of

“Kivan SheNitan” was always a rule. The question was if this rule was applied during Macos Bechoros or not.

“2. The Iyun Yaakiv there says that the tzaddikim aren’t punished for the same REASON as the reshaim, just at the same time. The tzaddikim have some minor flaw for which it is considered a chessed for them to be punished in this world, in order to be considered clean in the next world. This punishment is at the same time.”

Ok, so what? It’s Not a coincidence that the Tzaddikim are getting punished now -it’s because of “Kivan SheNitan”. You’d only have a proof if there is anyone alive nowadays that has never sinned -then you can say it’s not possible to apply “Kivan SheNitan” over here by the storm acc. to the Ayin Yaacov.

“3. In regards to my opening post, even if you apply Kivan (which isn’t as simple as you make it), why justify a disaster with a non-applicable reason, limiting the mussar, when one can try to look in the mirror and improve themselves? (Which is what this initial topic was all about)”

It looked the most applicable because it occured pretty much in the same time frame as when they passed this Toeiva law. Again your insinuation that anyone ever meant this is the only reason is absurd. They mentioned this reason because of the proximity of passing of the law, but of course e/o should work on every Chessoron that they have. Noone is pointing to Toeiva and saying that’s it, nothing more to work on!