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y me

I agree with Wolfman. I’m not sure where some people come up with their naive comments.

As for TheBear, the things you said are scary. I’m still kinda hoping you don’t really believe the things you wrote.

It sounds to me like you’ve paskened that “living in EY is a mitzvah sheba beavaira.” Perhaps you should share your version of halacha with the gedolei yisrael who live in EY. For every abomination here, there are way more in chu”l but you’ve conveniently decided to ignore that because it doesn’t fit into your justification argument as to why you don’t move to the holy land that Hashem promised to the Avot & Imahot.

As for my comment about the radio ad of a daf yomi shiur every day at 5am – I meant that the radio program BROADCASTS the daf yomi shiur every morning at 5! Again, this is a regular radio program that’s run by the “zionist regime.” Nachum Segal’s programs announce wonderful events and shiurim. They play heartwarming Jewish music. They even have divrei Torah sometimes. But you can’t begin to compare that to a daily daf yomi broadcast to the entire country! Oh, by the way, Nachum Segal is a religious zionist!

The rest of the stuff that you wrote is just drivel. Full of hate for wonderful religious people here who are building a home for themselves full of Torah. Talk to the meraglim and they’ll hopefully be able to remind you about why you’re not allowed to say loshon hara about our land (and people). If you don’t like something that’s going on here – in Tel Aviv or anywhere else – then come here and make it better! Not by throwing rocks or insults but by doing something constructive to be mekarev the rechokim. Your comments do nothing to improve the ills of the secular in Tel Aviv but rather drives them further away. I kind of remember my mommy telling me “if you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all.”