Reply To: Insanity!! Netura Karta Sicko Forces His Boys Into Frum Girls School in Antwerp

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The school Fweeky forced his sons into is run by Belz.

The tzioinish/modern school in Antwerp also refused his children admission, so he is about to sue the chassidish boys’ school to get his girls into that school rather than into the girls’ school.

Any school has the right to have admissions standards. Some kids are not allowed into regular public schools either, and they must attend special schools or reform school, depending upon the circumstances. One of the boys supposedly told his melamdim back in Vienna that he wanted to grow up to be a suicide bomber, which, along with schar limud debts, is why he was expelled from that school back then.

If there is an organization similar to Ohel in Antwerp, it is very necessary for this organization to intervene and take responsibility for the innocent children. They are the victims of a cruel, sociopathic father and a mother who is also a victim.