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Of course Yidden are superior. When I was little, and realized that there black Jews, and Asian Jews, and all sort of Jews – I figured out that “race” is totally irrelevent. We all chose to be Jews (note to snotty FFBs, your ancestors were converts). Since it is impossible that blond blue-eyed goyim were superior to dark skinned Jews, racism is obviously absurd from a Jewish perspective.
Arguing for any sort of racial supremacy implies belief either in the aspects of Darwinian theory (and in particular social darwinism) that reject the possibility of divine creation, or indicate belief in the theory of multiple creations. We have a kaballah that Ha-Shem created all humans, and that the only meaningful distinction is that we chose to accept Torah. The belief that one race is descended from Adam ha-Rishon, and another race from someone else, is pure apikorses.