Reply To: Help With ADHD Child – Anyone Have Any Info To Help?

Home Forums Health & Fitness Help With ADHD Child – Anyone Have Any Info To Help? Reply To: Help With ADHD Child – Anyone Have Any Info To Help?


I am a teacher who has seen medication work wonders in some students, but not make too much of a difference in others. Several questions: Does the child have other learning disabilities that could be blocking the way for classroom attention? If so, the medication wouldn’t cure those. Also, I have quite honestly never heard of a diagnosis being on a scale of 1 -10. Either he has it, or he doesn’t. I am happy for the child that he is not hyperactive – that’ll keep him from getting into serious trouble, but ADD is still difficult. BTW, keeping attention for 30 minutes is pretty impressive.

Treating ADD/ADHD with medication is tricky and most parents go through some trial and error before they hit upon a good solution. Most will start with the homeopathic approach, and if it doesn’t work they will resort to the real meds out of desperation.

When did the child’s symptoms start? If he only started this past year,maybe he just has a boring Rebbe.