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NY Mom

In my seminary year in Eretz Yisroel, our school went on a tiyul to the North. One of our stops was at the kever of R’ Meir Baal Haness (which if I remember correctly, is in Teverya). When we got there, a few of the girls took out their own siddurim which had a Tehillim included, to say a few kapitlach, but others didn’t have their own so they looked around. In one area, there were siddurim/Tehillim which was for public use. One of us picked one up and inside was written the name of one of the girls in our seminary. When we showed it to her, she said, “I lent this to a friend in another seminary! I didn’t even know it was missing!”

How about that! She finds a lost item at the kever of R’ Meir Baal Haness and she didn’t even know it was missing!