Reply To: Eat the morning of a Fast day

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ICOT: Myzmanim is very precise on what time sunrise and sunset are. I can figure out the rest on my own.

They do Alos by degrees (which some Kehillos do but the vast majority hold like the Shulchan Aruch that it’s 72 minutes before Neitz no matter what) so you end up starting fasts much too early, sometimes as much as an hour early in some places in the summer. They do something similar with Tzeitz, though that is a very detailed Halachic discussion that there is more room to be Machmir for (though I am very upset that they ignore Rav Moshe’s fixed 42-minute after Shkiah opinion).

And they say that earliest Minchah in the winter is a fixed 30 minutes after Chatzos (not Zmaniyos), an opinion about which I have asked several very knowledgeable Poskim and been told has absolutely no basis in Halachah as far as they know.