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Someone once asked Rav Avigdor Miller zt’l (in the open Q&A at the end of one of his Thursday night shiurim) why there are so many mitzvos in the Torah to protect an almana, but not a grusha. Aren’t they both undergoing the same nisyonos of single parenting?

Rav Miller responded, “Because 99% of divorces are the woman’s fault!” The grumbling and chairshifting becomes immediately audible on the tape.

Rav Miller continued, “And in case you think that I am discriminatory, I will tell you that 99% of divorces are the man’s fault!” He then explained that there are 1% extreme cases that are only his fault, and a likewise 1% amount of extreme cases that are exclusively hers. The rest are a bunch of combined factors with enough blame for everyone to share.