Reply To: Hatzola

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2scents -“Health, You are totally wrong, OB calls used to be BLS, its changed and became an automatically ALS call, in the system and in Hatzoloh.

Any imminent OB call, will have para,edics on the scene, unless its just a fancy taxi job.”

I know the protocol -I posted it above. If Medics come to assess instead of EMT’s first – fine. After their assessment they could still hand it over to women and pack out.

“The reason behind the change if protocol is because most women (not chasidishe that always wait till its to late) that call EMS for a delivery usually have poor prenatal care, therefore the protocol demands that Paramedics be called even though its a BLS skill.”

Yes, so you need Medics because their is a risk of health to the Newborn. Again, so by your own admission this doesn’t apply in the Frum comunity. So you don’t need medics with Frum women.

And even if you did, the EN women want to become Medics anyway.

“I have been reading the arguments of both sides, I really think that this should be discussed with the EMTs and Paramedics that currently do it, see what they have to say.”

Oh EN did sit down with Hatzolah and they nixed it. And they claim they nixed it for the wrong reasons and I agree with them!

“Again, in new square, because they must have females on the transport (per the rebbes protocol), they have a hard time finding EMTs and Paramedics for OB calls. A serious married person does not want to sit in an ambulance with females, especially if they are part of the crew.”

I agree. I guess you still didn’t read my post above. I suggested a different way of doing it.

“It might solve the issue of “some” female patients being more comfortable, however it raises halachik questions”

I didn’t know your EMT or Medic cert and Hatzolah plaque made you a Poisek and Not just a Poisek, but a big one at that. New Square had Poiskim that said it’s better for women to do this. EN got the Haskama of the Karlsburg Rov. What Hatzolah said this is against R’Moshe zt’l’s Psak. What they failed to say was in no way was THIS Shailah asked to R’ Moshe. The Shaila back then was should women be allowed to join in general.