Reply To: Hatzola

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Health-“I’m assuming you posted here in this topic because either you agree with Hatzolah about EN or you’re Hatzolah”

Actually neither,This topic interests me because I am a healthcare provider and things that effect or impact the delivery of care interest me. These topics also happen to attract you. Only your replies to hard questions and issues seems to be the spaghetti approach. When you want to know if spaghetti is truly done al-dente, you throw a single one against the wall. If it sticks its done. If it falls, you cook the rest a little longer and test agin in a minute or so.

Now, after people call you out on your responses or they disagree with you, you resort to flinging another noodle. And then another. And then another. And then the accusations and name calling. Its a pattern. We’re all used to it by now. (At least some of us are) Its amusing (at least to me). So I sit back and I watch the fireworks and I make a small quip on how this entire thread is following a predictable track.

As a humble suggestion, try to recognize that sometimes other people bring value to the table. You may not agree with them, but try to recognize that other peoples opinions/education/experience lend credence and value to their statements. the title of omnipotence and omniscience has already been taken, by God.

I have a feeling that I am about to be called a Hatzolah member, an ICU nurse, a PA, an NP, a paramedic, and uneducated boor, a holier-than-thou doofus, a stalker, a lout, an oisvorf, a troll….etc etc etc……. To quote Dilbert “I eagerly await your bizarre and other-worldly response”