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My apologies- AB has a diet/low sugar gefilte fish that is KFP year round.

We’re noheg in my home to purchase that one exclusively.

Regarding condiments, etc., take it up with R’ Yehuda Borrossan, rabbi of Netzach Yisrael Persian Shul in Atlanta, from whence this list comes. Also, R’ Gavriel Cohen, rosh beit din in LA, produces a list that goes even farther than R’ Borrossan’s.

I am not a food science expert, whereas R’ Borrossan is.

IIRC, R’ Maroof says that since they can’t have hametz on the production line for these cereals, it’s a liability. Ask him. He has a blog.

I am relaying the information, b’ pashut.

I generally don’t use most of what these rabbanim suggest. Not that they’re wrong, but we wish to have a standard acceptable to a wide range of people as far as our Pesah kitchen goes.

R’ Maroof has removed himself from that whole controversy. He’s a talmid of R’ Chait in Far Rockaway and knows his stuff.