Reply To: Is Quinoa Considered Chometz?

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Is Quinoa Considered Chometz? Reply To: Is Quinoa Considered Chometz?

old man

Dear superme:

Sorry to say, your teacher has been giving you inaccurate information. The penalty for intentionally eating chometz (I don’t need to get into the exact amount now) on Pesach is Kares. Not misah.

I suggest that you check things out by yourself instead of misleading others with second-hand inaccuracies. You can start by reading the psukim in the Chumash, it is rather explicit there.

There are people who participate in these discussions who have serious and wide knowledge of Torah and halachah. Blatant inaccuracies are not well received by them, nor should they be. Please be careful.It’s not a crime not to know something. If you don’t really know, don’t write as if you do.