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“oomis- id like to point out that ive heard from big rabbonim that the taaveh of the times back then wasnt for hefkerus and pritzus as today. society in general was less focused on all things sexual, and although people havent changed, the societal norms, and therefore the degree to which we must go to counteract them, indeed have. that requires some sort of system to keep young people within acceptable boundaries. there you go. “

People have always had taivahs, do have taivahs, and always WILL have taivahs. BACK THEN was actually WHEN the unfettered taivah situation became more acceptable among a significant portion of the population. It was the Age of Aquarius after all.

I don’t believe that the demographic that uses the shidduch system as endorsed by the Gedolim today, are that exposed to the things you mention. Quite the contrary, they are not watching TV or movies (or so they claim), they do not read secular novels ro listen to secular music (again, so they claim). So exactly what influences are you talking about? People in the street? Non-Jewish or non-frum women (and even many frum women) dressed in pants, shorts, short skirts, and sleeveless shirts decades ago. The influences of today are in some ways less of a shock as society has become desensitized to much of it (to our everlasting shame). It was far worse to go from the innocence of the 50s to the Taivah revolution of the 60s and 70s. But the 70s were my dating years, and no one suggested dating with resumes and checking people out to death, and not allowing boys and girls to meet each other in healthy, wholesome environments.

I guess many of us will never see eye to eye on this very hot-button topic. That’s fine. Diversity of opinion is what makes life interesting.