Reply To: Yeshiva Derech Chaim

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agent -“Well, I also know first hand about this Yeshiva and when I see you posted negative comments about the Rebbeim in this Yeshiva especially Rav Pohrille, (who happens to be an extremely choshuv person) I am surprised the Mod’s let your post go through! I know a few very close people who have gone to his shiur and have been to other places as well so I know what his Shiurim are like.”

Wake up and smell the coffee. Just because I didn’t agree with you or Talmud – doesn’t mean I said anything negative about him or the Yeshiva. What is so hard for you to understand – that there are better Shiurim in the world than in DC? Nowadays eveyone has to be the best – good is Not good enough!

This is why we have a Shidduch crisis in the world. Because either the boy or the girl believe they deserve the best in the world – decent or good is Not good enough. Not e/o, everything can be the best. This is life. I really don’t understand how this mentally came about in America.

I think people have to learn the meaning of the word Anavah.