Reply To: Yarmulkas vs. Baseball Caps (why?)

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Yarmulkas vs. Baseball Caps (why?) Reply To: Yarmulkas vs. Baseball Caps (why?)


Wolfish- I did not mean to imply that you are in denial about your own actions. I meant you (and it was the plural you of everyone else on the thread) are in denial about other peoples motivations.

That’s fine. Thanks for the clarification.

Now then, I don’t believe that I’m in denial about other people’s motivations because I *don’t know* what other people’s motivations are. I am not a mind-reader. And, I suspect, neither are you.

If you wish to state that the majority of people use baseball caps to hide the fact that they are Jewish, then the burden of proof is on you to show that. It is not upon myself, or anyone else in the Coffeeroom to show that it is not. To date, you have not offered any proof to your hypothesis. Please provide some evidence to back up your claim before accusing people here of being in denial about something that may not, in fact, be true.

Sorry about line btwn paragraphs, i am new to the coffee room and still getting the hang of it.

Not a problem. Welcome to the CR.

The Wolf