Reply To: For Pesach: Sweet & Savory Brick Roast (or French Cut Square Roast)

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Recipes Pesach Recipes Main Dishes (Non Gebrukts) For Pesach: Sweet & Savory Brick Roast (or French Cut Square Roast) Reply To: For Pesach: Sweet & Savory Brick Roast (or French Cut Square Roast)


Many say that kitniyot derivatives are good for Ashkenazim to use (see Be’er Yyitzchak #26). R’ Yitzhak Elchanan Spektor, who was the posek hador in Vilna, was matir kitniyot derivatives for Ashkenazim.

But, you can probably substitute any Pesachdika oil, like Nutola Walnut Oil or any other kind.