Reply To: Want to move from out of town community to New York…

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues Want to move from out of town community to New York… Reply To: Want to move from out of town community to New York…


I know that for someone new to observance, you want your life to be dramatically and radically transformed.

You need the means to build the life you ultimately want to live.

That being said, unless you want to be on welfare and a burden to taxpayers who go out and work every day, you need a good parnassa and a good career. First and foremost, you need a steady income and a good education to get you that income, which can only come from a limited number of professions in today’s job market.

It works like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

First, you need material needs to satisfy spiritual ones. The gemara makes a similar point; it says that people who work during the week will eat on Shabbat. There is a a need for hishtadlut.

Try to shteig as much as you can while in the pursuit of an education. If you have to find a part time job to get through school, do that. But, without a career or a wealthy secular relative looking to finance you, paying rent might as well be a pipedream.

Once you have a degree, you can address things like seminary, shidduchim, etc.