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I can say this- Rav Tzvi Sobolofsky is probably one of the best maggidei shiur in the world.
I posted the contents of the first 2 and a half shiurim on the sugya of tefisa b’sfeka d’dina from my notes, but it was removed. Perhaps it was too long for the moderators to read through.
I suppose the Yeshiva World isn’t so yeshivish after all, when they remove discussions of the heilige Rashba and the Kuntres haSfekot.
Or it could be that the mods are trying to “calderon” me (they don’t want me to look too learned so as to not undermine the notion that people that embrace different hashqafot can learn, also).
But, if you go to YUTorah, search for R’ Sobolofsky, and his dicussion of tefisa be sfekot begins with shiur #81 in B”M. This discusses the mahlokes Ramban and Rif, with the Rosh on tzeroros. Shiur 82 deals with some klalilm in the Shach’s Sefer Takfa Kohen and starts going into Kuntres haSfekot. #83 deals with chazaka and tefisa, starting with the discussion of the Ran on daf hei of Kiddushin, where he deals with chezkas penuya.
I hold very highly of R’ Sobolofsky Shlita, I used to go to his shiurim, but the notes you posted are way too long, try starting a new thread with it if you like and do it in parts. – YW Moderator