Reply To: I have a mechitza problem

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shuli –

There are two issues here which you have to be able to clearly differentiate in your mind. There are the things which halacha actually says are a man’s role and not a woman’s, and then there is everything else.

Women and men are different. They play different roles in society. In halacha this plays out by the men having certain mitzvos that a woman does not. This does not mean that a woman is considered less of a human being than a man. If someone kills a woman they get the same penalty as someone who killed a man. If a woman is on trial she is entitled the same due process as a man. Women and men are equal as human beings, they just have different roles in society, and therefore different halachos.

Instead of merely voicing your complaints, you need to educate yourself, because you need to know how to distinguish between the things halacha actually says are the man’s role, and the stuff people just make up and force down your throat because they are able to. In doing so, you will find what is worth taking a stand for and what is not.