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#1 Is it manmade? Yes.

#2 Is it a common (>50%) household item? Yeah, I would say so.

#3 Animal, vegetable or mineral? Mineral…I think…

#4 Is it bigger than a standard crockpot (total volume, lid closed)? Around the same size…generally.

#5 Does it use electricity? No.

#6 Is it associated with food or cooking? No.

#7 Is it usually used in one specific room? No, not at all.

#8 Is it worn on a person (such as clothes, shoes, hat, sheitel, cast, etc)? Yes.

#9 Is it worn on the head? No.

#10 Is it worn on the lower half of the body? Yes.

#11 Is it or does it contain pants? No. (Contain pants?)

#12 Is it shoes? It’s a type of footwear.