Reply To: Matza Bakery Shailah

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I’m not sure why you thing Matzos are a davar sheb’minyan. They are sold by weight, so pashtus I don’t see why they won’t be batel b’rov

When you go into the shop, do you ask for a kilo of matzos or a box of matzos?

Rov tells me that right now I am eating the one that was made lishmah

That isn’t bitul b’rov, that is a different type of Rov where you are ???? ??? ????, where the ??? is ???? the ???. You probably have a problem of ???? on this.

The ones who knead, roll, and bake the matzoh are not the ones who box it, so how would he know?

It could have been a machine baked Matzos and he did the machine without lishmo. Machine matzos are numbered.

Tell him he is getting a raise and then when he tells you which box then fire him.

He isn’t ???? because he is saying his ???? for payment (his raise). It makes no difference whether you pay him in the end or not.