Reply To: Searching CR For Old Threads

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Shticky Guy

Yes a sticky means that the topic will stay permanently at the top of the cr board like the tehillim, divrei torah and Rules threads.

This has been requested before several times , but the mods have been so far unable or unwilling to listen to the democratic will of the posters.

I’m trying to organise a million man march and rally on this, and hope someone starts a new thread called the YWN crisis and shiduchim (which is solely to discuss this YWN dictatorship crisis, and only lists shidduchim to get ppl to open the thread…) Deja vous??

Seriously, there are too many threads on the same topic in the cr for example on ice cream, yiddish, purim costumes, mens threads, new/old/returning members, rhyming or poetry, identities, names, dates/shidduchim/shidduch jokes/walking girl to door/holding car door for date/funny shidduch stories etc etc.

So either the same things are being repeated over again which is just pointless and boring, or if they’re new ideas/thoughts, isnt it much better to post them on the old thread???