Reply To: Nurse Refused To Initiate CPR, What Is Your Opinion?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Nurse Refused To Initiate CPR, What Is Your Opinion? Reply To: Nurse Refused To Initiate CPR, What Is Your Opinion?

🍫Syag Lchochma

Based on the facts given in the story, I believe she would have (not) acted similarly if the patient was a young child with a full life ahead of him/her.

I agree 100%. And I bet that child wouldn’t have been placed in a home where the policy was not to resuscitate.

I know it’s a separate subject, I was just under the impression that you thought it was a given that resuscitating an elderly patient is universally accepted as expected so I was just answering to that. Sorry if I had misread.

apashutayid – exactly