Reply To: Nurse Refused To Initiate CPR, What Is Your Opinion?

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When R’ Yochanon told a woman to stop going to shul so that she can die did he kill her r”l?

When R’ chanina ben Taradyon allowed the executioner to remove the wet pieces of wool that were keeping him alive longer was he advocating murder R”L?

When the Gemara says and Shulchan aruch codifies that when a goses is dying and a wood cutter is keeping him alive we can stop the wood cutter so as to allow the goses to die is he advocating murder r”l?

Withholding CPR is even a step removed from that(since there is no kum veaseh and no hinderence is being removed it is only POSSIBLE aid that is being withheld), calling it murder is am haaratzos. Dpending on the circumsatnces withholding CPR may be the correct thing to do