Reply To: Nurse Refused To Initiate CPR, What Is Your Opinion?

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DNR’s are not murder. When my mother was dying in the hospital, she gad been unconscious for 10 days, her weight had dropped from 110 to 80 pounds and her blood pressure had dropped to 80 over 40. The dr recommended a DNR because , even if he could bring her back from a Code, given her low blood pressure and frailty, he wasn’t sure if she would last 24 hourst. Doing CPR would involve exposing my mothers upper body while the dr pounded her chest. At best, she wouldn’t feel the pain; at worst she would spend her last hours in terrible pain from the broken ribs and embarrassment from a man seeing her undressed.

Pulling the plug is against halacha , a DNR is not, especially when I asked my rov and he agreed after consulting with the dr. My mother coded and passed before I could actually sign the DNR or CPR could be done