Reply To: Nurse Refused To Initiate CPR, What Is Your Opinion?

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Ver Bin Ich -“Much of today’s medicine is practiced and provided with only one goal in mind – don’t sue me. There are millions of dollars wasted on unnecessary tests, examinations, and screenings for the simple purpose of not worrying about getting sued. A disproportionate amount of health care providers’ time is spent on DOCUMENTATION – to cover themselves in case of a suit.”

You’re right it is. And this is the Gov.’s fault. That’s why it’s just being PC making something called Obamacare -promising something for nothing. Nothing in this world is for free.

If you want to make affordable medical care -the country must revamp the Suing laws! So right now the only thing you can cut to make it cheaper is the medical care itself. Need a MRI? Wait 6 months like they do in some parts of Canada.