Reply To: K'zayis (or two) for Afikoman

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147: First of all, it’s a Machlokes Achronim. The two opinions line up between the reason for 2 K’zeisim and which is the Matzah with which we do the Mitzvah. Listen to Rav Schachter’s Shiur from this past Monday (I think, maybe Tuesday). He discussed all of this.

And don’t make up your own Drashos. You’re not Chazal. That’s ridiculous. There is NO Makor in Divrie Chazal for the Drasha you just made up. None whatsoever. In fact, you’re so wrong that it’s the opposite of what you said. The Shittah of R’ Elazar Ben Azaryah (that Achilas Pesach and Matzah is Ad Chatzos) is based on a G’zeirah Shavah of Lailah Lailah from Bachatzi Halailah. Thus, Lailah means midnight. And those who are Makpid to eat before Chaztos is not because of this Shittah (which we don’t hold by), but rather because of the Shittah in the first Mishnah in B’rachos that any Mitzvah Shemitzvasah Balailah has to be done before Chatzos Mid’rabannan so that you don’t end up messing up. We don’t really hold like that either, but many are Makpid to try and do it Lechatchilah. Your attempt to read Pesukim like you are Chazal is a Drashah Shel Hevel and an insult to real Limud Hatorah. (Oh, and if you want to be even more wrong then look at the first Mishnah in the 4th Perek in B’rachos. Tefillah Haerev Ein Lah Kevah. It calls it Erev and you still have all night.)