Reply To: Boycott of Meretz�Unfair!!

Home Forums In The News Boycott of Meretz�Unfair!! Reply To: Boycott of Meretz�Unfair!!


Mdd, the reason the government is only cutting off all entitlements is because Likud and Bayit HaYehudi have some say in the matter, too. The original Lapid plan called for fines and jail time for Chareidim who refuse to join the IDF.

Also, Lapid himself has proclaimed his intention make the Chareidim into just another part of Israeli society, something which the Chareidim have always opposed doing. See


“If it’s a fundamental part of charedi society to sit and learn all day and not work, why is it only in Israel?”

Believe it or not, all Chareidim are not exactly the same. Just because the Chareidi community in Israel believes something does not mean that the Chareidim in Israel feel the same.


“Modern Orthodox Religious Zionism is the True Torah Judaism that has been practiced for millenia.”

Says you.

“we have been praying for a return to Zion for almost two millenia.”

Which does not in any way mean we must support the secular State of Israel that is in power today.