Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft


What is your point? I thought this was about the laws of the State of Israel, not about the UK. In the UK there are laws and social benefits and you should not be concerned about citizens and non-citizen residents cashing benefits they are entitled to. As for any antisemitism or other social tensions that may arise, you are in the safe haven aren’t you? Why worry?

If you are arguing that as Esav has no respect for Torah study which they see as a waste of time and some would like to altogether destroy (eg Italy in the past centuries where Talmud was forbidden to print and study) without realizing the blessings it brings upon them as well, and you are telling us this is how the Zionist feel and there’s no difference, I find it interesting to hear it from a committed Zionist, and I find even more interesting that you still consider yourself a committed Zionist.

You still have not elucidated what do you mean with “chillul Hashem”. Receiving benefits one is entitled to is in your opinion a chillul Hashem? Refusing such benefits (like the antizionist do) is in your opinion a chillul Hashem? It sounds like you are under the misplaced belief that R”L studying Torah is the chillul Hashem. You should have a refua shleima.