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Mr. doniel -“It was the hand of G-d operating through the valiant soldiers of the IDF that ensured our victories. Not the studies of those who choose consciously not to be a part of modern Israel.”
This is simply Apikorsus. R’ M. Salomon just said so, but even without him – did you ever learn Chumash? Ever hear of a Parsha called Im Bechuchosi? I hope these are your views and Not those of your Yeshiva – YU.
“We are not prophets. How we can claim that the studies of a specific parochial group have a theurgic effect? Plus, those who make this claim ignore the fact that there are scores of Hesder yeshivot, of very high standards, whose bachurim serve valiantly and proudly in eretz kodsheinu. The learning of those in KBY, Shaalvim, Otniel, etc. is just as precious to HKBH as those who learn in the Mir, etc.”
Again you spout your hatred against Charedim. Noone said Mizrachi/MO actual learning is less valuable then Charedim learning. But they don’t learn full time -like a lot of Charedim do. Some go to the army, some go to college, some go to work -there a very few that spend their lifetime in Kollel. The Charedim also have those that do other things, but it’s not just a few that stay in Kollel long term.