Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft


My charedi son got his draft notice three times. The first two he ignored and the third one he went to. He davened the entire night before at the Kotel not to be drafted. When he walked in they asked him to talk about what he does every day and he told them that he goes to mikve, davens, and learns all day. They gave him an exemption on the spot. I think that if they see an erlich ben Torah, they do not want him in the army simply because it will undermine their control-and all armies function on controlling their soldiers. I do not feel that a person should be forced into the army. Ideally they should make the army voluntary and eliminate conscription-there are still plenty of people who want to be part of the IDF. Hopefully that will be the end result of all of this political stuff.