Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft Reply To: Jews Resisting the Zionist Draft


Lakewood Fellow -I honestly didn’t know that there are Jews here like you who are drunk on the Zionist Kool Aid!

“Do you think countries like turkey would welcome Jewish immigrants from all over the world and give them a place to live??”

Yes, I do. Many Jews did settle here during their reign.

“Do you think in a situation like WW2 any other country would open its borders and offer citizenship to anyone who is Jewish?”

You mean to tell me that Israel/Palestine opened up their borders during WW2? No, actually the Zionists told the English not to let the European Jews in.

“Do you not see a compelling argument that if many of those Yidden who were killed had had a country they could run too that would have let them in and protect them as citizens during WW2 they would have had a better chance of survival???”

And which country was/is that? Israel seems to be the last country to take in Religious Jews. Fact is – they took in the Yemenites to Shmad them. That is their whole purpose – to Shmad Yiddishkeit. Just because you believe their lies -doesn’t mean most Frum Jews do!

The Zionists are just a continuation of failed communism. That was also started by Jews looking to stop the persecution of Jews in Europe and then Hitler and Stalin came to power, which were the worst Jew-haters since the beginning of this world.

If you think the State of Israel is your salvation -think again. It’s only G-d and this Medina is a thorn in his eyes.

The one Zecus these Freye had was they had a religious status- quo and they supported Limud Hatorah somewhat. With this about to be gone -I actually don’t hate them, like the Mizrachists & Chilonim hate us – the Charedim, I Pity Them!