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ksnoi- i don’t engage in long debates in this forum anymore,as most people (on obth sides) have their mind firmlhy made up, but I do like to correct false assumptions.
First, why don’t you check the mishneh and gemoro in sotah,perek 8,mishneh 7. There is absolutely no HETTER of talmud torah for anyone when it is a milchemes mitzvah. The Rambam paskens the same way. By the way,your assumption of freeing oneself through talmud torah is false when it comes to mitzvos “begufoi”. You cannot claim -“I learn therefore I do not put on tefillin” this would be absurd. Moreoever, there are plenty of mitzvos that supersede talmud torah (levaya, simchas chosson vekallah)
Secondly, to feed one’s wife and family is a d’oraisa. See mishpotim “she-eo, kesuoso veonosso”.Additionally, every married man signed the kesuboh where he undertook to feed and clothe and support his wife. There is also a chiyuv of supporting one’s small children and,of course, the mishne in kiddushin ,perek 1, mishneh 7 and the gemoro on it clearly obligate a man to learn a profession so as to support his family.
Lastly, you should look up the gemoro berachos 35B, where the gemoro clearly indicates that , in today’s world, it is impossible for most people (check the loshon hagemoro “rabbim”)to rely upon others to support then without working themlseves.
As far as your point of American aid, without it, you are your own boss in many spheres and may be an advantage. To support a large part of the population for little return is a recipe for financial disaster.