Reply To: Future of Israel's Orthodox Jews

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The GOP recently comissioned a report and why they lost.

The haredim would be wise to act similary although not much research is given.

You do not win friends and influence people when some members of your community spit and taunt 8 year old girls and then claim they are not part of the community and nothing can be done. People are excommunited or put in Siruv for many offenses in the Charedi community including having a TV or using the internet. Surely you and excommunicatre and throw the children out of school of Sikirim who spit and taunt 8 year old girls.

You dont win friends when you call people Goyim, Haters of Torah etc who do not agree with you. Especially when their views are certainly within Halachic boundaries

The Charedim taking over the Marriages did not only did not stop non-kosher marriages , it made many people who could have married Kosher decide to be married in Cyrpus because they did not want the red tape. 20% of all marriages in Israel occur in Cyprus.

You dont take money from people and then act like you are doing a favor for them. Either dont take the money or at least be thankful for the generousity of other.