Reply To: Is An Amalekite Allowed to Commit Suicide?

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But is he really doing anything meaningful if the mitzvah is for US to kill him? Would another goy be fulfilling Hashem’s will if he killed an Amaleiki?

That’s a good question.

However, I put this point to you — was it a good thing that Haman was killed even though it was a non-Jew who did it?

Clearly, HKBH wants the deaths of all Amalekites. I might posit that, perhaps, it’s preferred if we do it, but if not, any way will work just as well.

Or, let’s put this hypothetical out to you. Amalek is engaged in a bloody war with Moab. Do we go to war with the Moabites to stop them from killing the Amalekites so we can do it ourselves, or do we let the Moabites try anyway and say that’s it’s not worth Jewish blood to save the Amalekites if others are willing to do the killing?

The Wolf