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shalom2010 -“Health: Contrary to what you might read in Der Yid or Der Blatt, the majority of the Chareidim in Israel participate in the political process there, and ( the Ashkenazim) are represented in the Kenneset by UTJ. UTJ joined the Sharon government on the eve of the Gush Katif expulsion, in return for additional $$ to their institutions.”

Even if all the Charedim in Israel voted for this party -doesn’t mean they agreed with the Gush Katif vote. Since they never took a poll of all the Charedim before the party voted for it -I’ll assume most Charedim were against it. I know I was.

“They mocked the claims of the orthodox zionists and scoffed at the idea that any terror would come from the expulsion. Shortly after, Hamas overtook Gaza, and are till today, using these areas to fire missiles into Israel.

So who’s to blame for the rockets?”

The only ones to blame for this abadonment of Gaza is the Gov. The Charedim weren’t the Majority of that Gov. If anyone takes the blame for Gush Katif it should be the Israeli Leftist Gov. under Sharon. You sound like a typical Antisemite -if you can blame a Frum Jew -why not? They were Not running the Gov. – so to blame them for the rocket attacks is pure Antisemitism!

I did concide that they made a mistake by going along with the plan. But the blame lies with the Israeli Gov. and its’ leaders at that time.