Reply To: Who's going to be wearing blue and white tomorrow?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Who's going to be wearing blue and white tomorrow? Reply To: Who's going to be wearing blue and white tomorrow?


I will. I don’t think has to do with being a zionist necessarily, just showing your support and love for the only place that is really ours. Okay, maybe that sounded to zionistic, but if you know what true love of Eretz Yisroel is, then you will understand how important it is- whether or not you believe in the zionistic formation of the land.

There is no reason why yidden, frum yidden all over the world, who all love Eretz Yisroel, because it is ours can’t do something mildly supportive. Obviously, there is the machlokes amongst the rabbanim about whether or not to celebrate because we it is during Sfiras Haomer- you can still show a little internal pride for having something that took so long for us to get back.

And by the way- so not tacky. Just a little pride.