Reply To: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria Reply To: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria


Hamevazeh talmeidai chachomim, ein lahem chelek li’olam haba…

So when you are Mevaze “Rabbi” Saul Lieberman, you have no Chelek? It is nice to spout terms without knowing the consequences of your thoughts, in your haste to support “the Gedolim”.

What the Israeli Chareidim refuse to do is to go to the army, because they find it a spiritually dangerous environment.

I agree with this. The Charaidi education system is so poor that while the Rav Kook Chardal sector of Israel has no problem with the Army, the Charaidim would all go off the Derech if they joined. It says much about the shallowness of Charaidi emunah.

We actually see this in this sad story. The Charaidim (by that, I mean the askanim and those who run the society, not those like Rav Chaim who want nothing other than to sit and learn all day without distraction) “placed their trust” in politics instead of the Ribbono Shel Olam. This is the result.