Reply To: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria Reply To: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria



While there is indeed some grey area about where the issur of being mevazeh tamlidai chachamim is said, I think we all agree that it does not include being mevazeh Saul Lieberman and does include being mevazeh the entire Moetzes.

“I’m just saying what I honestly believe to be the truth.

I know. That is unfortunate :-(“

And here I was, hoping for if not an apology, at least the beginning of a more respectful tone in this debate. Silly me.

“Actually, the Charaidim just won’t rely on the vast majority of the heterim that the D”L will.

To quote:

Actually, they’re just paskening what they honestly believe to be the truth. Is it so hard to accept that somebody just honestly disagrees with you? Why do you have to assume the worst and sink to such disparagement?”

The difference is that I did not in any way disparage the D”L. I did not offer various snide possible motives for everything they do. I did not accuse them of only caring about their own wallets, having a “poor” education system as judged by the result, being shallow, or not having sufficient faith in Hashem.

You, however, did do all that to the either the Chareidim in general or me specifically.