Reply To: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria Reply To: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria


You know better than the gedolim, benignuman, don’t you? Too bad you weren’t around to stop Reb Moshe and all those other Ultra-Orthodox Rabbis dressed in rabbinical garb when they went protesting in front of Roosevelt’s White House in Washington.

The proposed gezeira carries criminal penalties more than loss of financial benefits for draft dodging.

Who says it doesn’t apply?

Yeah, maybe it applies to Rabbi Eric Joffe, Rabbi Stephen Wise and Rabba Huruwitz too. Who is anyone to say otherwise?

So lets hear names of any bona fide rabbonim on the record opposing this Yom HaTefila. All we heard so far are anono internet pundits.