Reply To: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria Reply To: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria


While there is indeed some grey area about where the issur of being mevazeh tamlidai chachamim is said, I think we all agree that it does not include being mevazeh Saul Lieberman and does include being mevazeh the entire Moetzes.

“We” obviously don’t.

What if I don’t think he’s a talmid chacham? Why do I need to show respect for someone I don’t respect at all?

The difference is that I did not in any way disparage the D”L.

Sure you did. That you don’t realize it makes it worse.

“We are so much better than you. You rely on hetairim and we never would, because only we are Torah True (TM) Jews”.

I’m just judging the facts as I see them. IIRC (and I could be wrong), Rav Chaim said something similar about the Charaidi system not being set up to withstand questions to Emunah or the outside world. Rav Dessler certainly said the system is set up as such. So at least I have a backup in Rav Dessler.