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Obama is certainly not the best president this country has ever had, but dissing him on economics is a joke. While Romnsy and many republicans wanted to let Detroit fail, Obama and democrats bailed the auto industry out, and crated thousands of jobs. The stock market has risen thousands of points in the past 4 years.

4 years ago, Banks collapsed, markets crashed, companies struggled to make payroll, and credit was impossible to get. The Real estate bubble dramatically and completely burst.

We are not living in paradise yet, but we’re a lot better off now than in 2008. The Dow Jones closed on November 4th 2008 at about 9,600. 4 years later, its hovering around 14,500.

Shouldn’t Obama’s socialist, wacko economic policies have destroyed the economy and forced the stock market to tumble and fail?! (Insert sarcasm here)