Reply To: Shaving in the Sefira

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Why does the fact that the minhag not to shave during sefira is overriden by concerns for parnassah mean that “all the halachos and minhugim (sic) in Shulchan Aruch fall away because of business reasons”? First, there is obviously (at least to anyone who learns halacha) a major difference between a “halacha” and a minhag, even if both are recorded in shulchan aruch. The pedigree of a particular rule makes a major difference in what kind of factors may suffice to permit a lenient appraoch to that issue. Whether something is d’oraysah or d’rabbanan, gezeirah or takkanah, minhag hamakom, minhag hasochrim, minhag hamedinah, minhag yisrael, ect., are all important distinctions. Also, hefsed m’rubah (not just trite “business reasons” is a major tzad l’hakel for just about anything other than an issur d’oraysah.