Reply To: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed Reply To: Obama is crying because his gun law didn't get passed


1) So would you support a ban on selling guns to people involved with “involved somehow in a violent culture thing be it vidoes and games, religious fanatics, or disallusioned military nincompoops” (more theoretical than practical, supposing he mentioned it to the seller)?

2) agreed. Though I cant think of a private citizens way to help solve the madness

3) None of these mass shootings were commited by illegal immigrants. So while this may be an important point, it is entirely irelevant to the subject at hand.

4) California proves it DOES work but is not perfect. I’m not looking for a perfect solution (yet).

5) A background check on all gun purchases would not be a restriction on any leagl guns. It would prevent crazies in the future from purchasing a gun no questions asked.

6) Probably, the problem is some people are unwilling to listen to reason. The NRA had supported universal background checks. There was nothing controversial in this bill. Yet the NRA purchased senators blocking oppostion in spite of the fact that a majority of the senate voted in favor of the bill.