Reply To: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!!

Home Forums Yom Tov Sefira The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! Reply To: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!!


10 – doros from Noach to Avrohom; 10 shevotim in Malchus Yisroel. 10 parshiyos in Sefer Vayikra, in Sefer Bamidbor (not doubled parshiyos)

11 – 11 stars and 11 sheaves bowed to Yosaif in his dreams (no, I wasn’t trying to rhyme); 11 – the amount of shevotim born when Yaakov left Lovon. 11 parshiyos in Sefer Shemos, in Sefer Devorim (not doubled parshiyos). Amount of mesechtos (mishnayos) in Seder Zero’im

12 – the amount of parshiyos in Sefer Beraishis

Amount of mesechtos (mishnayos) in Seder Taharos

(The amount of yawns I may yawn tomorrow if I don’t go to sleep!)