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In my Haggada it claims that Matza Zu Al Shum Shelo Hispik… The Ramban holds that they are two Mitzmos, one in Mitzrayim and one after. The fact that a Parsha is mentioned before Yetzias Mitzraim does not mean it was told to them there.
The Maharal I mentioned earlier was about Succah, specifically. And he explained, as mentioned, that although the reason is in the Torah that is not the whole meaning of the Succah. This is pretty known to anyone who learns, or peeks into, Zohar Hakkadosh, Chassidus, Shlah Hakadosh and other Sfarim. The fact that there is a Chiyuv to have in mind Basukos Hosahvti, according to many Poskim and is alluded to by the Tur, doesn’t contradict the fact that the Mitzva is a stand-alone and has value and purpose besides the memory.
Besides this, many explain the purpose of Matza in Mitzrayim was for the Emuna of what was coming. Avraham Avinu could have done these Mitzvos in the same manner, or as a Bakasha that his children be Zoche to these Yeshu’os. He was aware of Maase Avos Siman Labanim, which is why he was busy with the Be’eros.
Ubiquitin, I’d have no issue with saying that he had written Tefillin (although I’m not sure what would have been witten there), but the Tanya says it was accomplished another way. Before dismissing the Tanya read it through. I can’t point you to where it is, though.
Thanks, Torah.